break-through called Wii. Several months of Wii frenzy and I believe
there's more to come. Just when we thought that it's gone Nintendo
introduced us to the Wii Fit and the balance board. Finally something to
get the gamers out of their couches. It's been the lazy man's dream, by
that I mean my dream, working out without having to lift all these
dump-bells and having to wait for the Incredible Hulk to be over with the
So what is the Wii Fit muscle training. It's one of the four core elements
of the Wii Fit game. Do not expect that Wii Fit will help win Arnold
Classics but it is an excellent tool that can keep you fit every day. It's
like you are building your own gym in front of your TV.
The Wii Fit Strength Training exercises use your own body weight to
provide the resistance that will help you build muscle. The exercises
don't require any weights, but a few of the activities such as the push-up
and side plank can be very challenging with just your own body weight. The
game will unlock higher difficulty settings for several of the exercises,
letting you increase the number of reps required to complete a set.
Doing well in the advanced modes for the push-up and side plank, as well
as the jackknife and plank exercises will unlock a challenge mode for each
exercise that lets you try to perform as many reps as you can. You begin
with five Wii Fit strength-training exercises at the start but you can
unlock six more, not including challenge modes, as you deposit more
minutes into your Fit Bank.
Other Strength Training Exercises; Rowing Squat, Single-Leg Twist, Plank,
Triceps Extensions, Arm and Leg Lift, Single-Arm Stand